At Aspley Christ Church, Nottingham, we aim to keep Christ at the centre of all we do.
In a warm and welcoming environment, couples, families, children, young people, older folk, and those living on their own, come together to praise God for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

About Us
Aspley Christ Church has been part of the community for over 90 years, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in this part of Nottingham since 1931. We recently changed our name from Aspley Evangelical Church. We are affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC).
Sunday Services
We would love to welcome you to our services. We meet every Sunday as follows:
10am – Communion Service
11:15am – All age family service
Refreshments are served between the services at 10:45am.

Registered charity number in
England and Wales 1156269

531 Aspley Lane, Nottingham, NG8 5RW
© Aspley Christ Church 2023
We are affliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches